Mobile App Development

Course Length and Fees
3 Months
PKR 25,000/-
Course Timeline
Project Setup
1 Week
Java / Koltin
1 Week
Swift / Swift 5
2 Weeks
React Native
2 Weeks
Dart Lang
2 Weeks
API Integration
1 Week
Firebase Setup
1 Weeks
3 Weeks
Zehsan Musawar

Zehsan Musawar

Mobile Application
Experienced professionals with expertise in Web Development will lead the course, providing insights, guidance, and mentorship throughout the learning journey.
Course Outline:

This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of mobile app development. The curriculum covers essential technologies and frameworks including Flutter, Java/Kotlin, Swift/Swift 5, React Native, Dart, API integration, and Firebase setup. Students will learn how to build robust and responsive mobile applications for both Android and iOS platforms.

Session 1:

  • Overview of mobile app development
  • Understanding the mobile development landscape (iOS, Android, Cross-platform)

Session 2:

  • Setting up the development environment
  • Introduction to version control with Git and GitHub

Session 3:

  • Introduction to Dart programming language
  • Basic syntax, variables, and data types

Session 4:

  • Control structures and functions in Dart
  • Object-oriented programming concepts

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Writing basic Dart programs

Session 1:

  • Introduction to Flutter framework
  • Setting up Flutter environment

Session 2:

  • Understanding Flutter widgets and the widget tree
  • Building your first Flutter app

Session 3:

  • Layouts in Flutter: Containers, Rows, and Columns
  • Styling and theming in Flutter

Session 4:

  • Handling user input and forms in Flutter
  • State management basics

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Building a basic Flutter application

Session 1:

  • Navigation and routing in Flutter
  • Working with lists and grids

Session 2:

  • Networking in Flutter: HTTP requests and JSON parsing
  • Persistent storage with SQLite and shared preferences

Session 3:

  • Animations and gestures in Flutter
  • Custom widgets and complex UI components

Session 4:

  • Integrating third-party libraries and plugins
  • Debugging and testing Flutter applications

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Creating a feature-rich Flutter app

Session 1:

  • Overview of Android development
  • Setting up Android Studio

Session 2:

  • Introduction to Java for Android
  • Basic syntax, classes, and objects

Session 3:

  • Introduction to Kotlin for Android
  • Kotlin basics and interoperability with Java

Session 4:

  • Building simple Android apps with Java
  • Activities, intents, and lifecycles

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Developing a basic Android app using Java/Kotlin

Session 1:

  • Advanced UI design: Layouts, styles, and themes
  • Handling user inputs and form validations

Session 2:

  • Networking in Android: HTTP, Retrofit, and JSON parsing
  • Data storage and SQLite database

Session 3:

  • Background tasks and services
  • Working with notifications

Session 4:

  • Advanced Kotlin features: Coroutines, extension functions, and higher-order functions

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Building a feature-rich Android application using Kotlin
  • Session 1:

    • Overview of iOS development
    • Setting up Xcode and iOS development environment

    Session 2:

    • Introduction to Swift programming language
    • Basic syntax, variables, and data types

    Session 3:

    • Control structures, functions, and classes in Swift
    • Understanding iOS app architecture

    Session 4:

    • Building simple iOS apps with Swift
    • Storyboards, view controllers, and UI elements

    Session 5:

    • Hands-on: Developing a basic iOS app using Swift
            a feature-rich Android application using Kotlin

Session 1:

  • Advanced UI design: Auto Layout and constraints
  • Working with tables and collection views

Session 2:

  • Networking in iOS: URLSession, Alamofire, and JSON parsing
  • Data persistence with Core Data

Session 3:

  • Handling user inputs and gestures
  • Animations and transitions in iOS

Session 4:

  • Integrating third-party libraries and SDKs
  • Debugging and testing iOS applications

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Building a feature-rich iOS application using Swift

Session 1:

  • Overview of React Native
  • Setting up React Native environment

Session 2:

  • Introduction to JavaScript and JSX
  • React components and state management

Session 3:

  • Building simple React Native apps
  • Navigation and routing in React Native

Session 4:

  • Handling user input and forms in React Native
  • Styling and layout with Flexbox

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Developing a basic cross-platform app using React Native

Session 1:

  • Networking in React Native: Fetch API and Axios
  • State management with Redux

Session 2:

  • Handling animations and gestures in React Native
  • Integrating third-party libraries and native modules

Session 3:

  • Debugging and testing React Native applications
  • Performance optimization techniques

Session 4:

  • Publishing apps to Google Play Store and Apple App Store

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Building a feature-rich cross-platform app using React Native

Session 1:

  • Introduction to RESTful APIs
  • Consuming APIs in mobile applications

Session 2:

  • Building a backend service with Node.js/Express
  • Creating and testing API endpoints

Session 3:

  • Authentication and authorization in mobile apps
  • Implementing JWT-based authentication

Session 4:

  • Real-time data with WebSockets
  • Integrating push notifications

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Integrating backend services into mobile applications

Session 1:

  • Introduction to Firebase
  • Setting up Firebase in mobile projects

Session 2:

  • Firebase Authentication
  • Realtime Database and Firestore

Session 3:

  • Firebase Cloud Storage
  • Implementing Firebase Cloud Functions

Session 4:

  • Analytics and Crashlytics
  • Performance monitoring with Firebase

Session 5:

  • Hands-on: Building a cloud-connected mobile application with Firebase

Session 1:

  • Planning and starting the final project
  • Individual work on final projects

Session 2:

  • Project development with instructor guidance
  • Peer collaboration and feedback

Session 3:

  • Finalizing and testing projects
  • Preparing for project presentations

Session 4:

  • Project presentations and peer reviews
  • Q&A and course recap

Session 5:

  • Course review, final assessments, and certificate distribution
  • Access to development tools and software
  • Sample code snippets and project templates
  • Step-by-step guides and tutorials

By the end of this course, students will be proficient in developing mobile applications using Flutter, Java/Kotlin, Swift/Swift 5, and React Native. They will understand how to integrate APIs and backend services, use Firebase for cloud-based functionality, and build robust, cross-platform mobile applications.